Browsing Archive: December, 2013

Change the parody of our time.

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, December 29, 2013, In : Politics 

The United States of America a nation at the forefront of waging wars in the name of spreading change and democracy but are the same the chief culprits in stifling the democratisation agenda of the United Nations, Even for Obama change is just a slogan can you believe Guantanamo Bay detention camp is still open 5 yrs into his two term presidency and I have not talked of the NSA`s spying activities it is a crazy world indeed.

Bensuda who was quick to open indictments on Kenya turns a blind ey...

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Have the people spoken?

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, December 29, 2013, In : Politics 

Well this is the most pertinent question confronting all Zimbabweans both in the homeland and in the diaspora, have the people spoken? It is important to note for those who are not familiar with Zimbabwean issues, that Zimbabwe held elections on the 31st of July three days ago, which were hailed by some as the most important elections in the history of Zimbabwe after the elections that ushered our independence. Being an activist who has formerly fought against the oppression of Robert Mugabe ...

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Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji I am former student leader, the President of the SRC of Great Zimbabwe University 2006/2007. i am currently based in the Netherlands studying International Business Economics at Maastricht University after being expelled in 2007 for politically motivated reasons. I am a devoted christian who is politically conscious.
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