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Change the parody of our time.

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, December 29, 2013, In : Politics 

The United States of America a nation at the forefront of waging wars in the name of spreading change and democracy but are the same the chief culprits in stifling the democratisation agenda of the United Nations, Even for Obama change is just a slogan can you believe Guantanamo Bay detention camp is still open 5 yrs into his two term presidency and I have not talked of the NSA`s spying activities it is a crazy world indeed.

Bensuda who was quick to open indictments on Kenya turns a blind ey...

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Have the people spoken?

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, December 29, 2013, In : Politics 

Well this is the most pertinent question confronting all Zimbabweans both in the homeland and in the diaspora, have the people spoken? It is important to note for those who are not familiar with Zimbabwean issues, that Zimbabwe held elections on the 31st of July three days ago, which were hailed by some as the most important elections in the history of Zimbabwe after the elections that ushered our independence. Being an activist who has formerly fought against the oppression of Robert Mugabe ...

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May the true Christians stand up!!!

Posted by Whitlaw Mugwiji on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, In : Politics 

I have been wanting to write a piece on Christianity for a very long time especially after the Makandiwa conference where people had to pay money to hear the word of God and those who could not pay the aforementioned gate fee were barred entrance into the bounty of God`s grace. This is perhaps globalization, but perhaps globalization too far, of course this has been done and it is still being done by churches in the developed West. The most unfortunate thing is that we are like sheep we follo...

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The silence is deafening, where are the Pan Africanists : Somalia

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Friday, October 7, 2011, In : Politics 
The  current humanitarian crisis in Somalia has exposed the West’s hypocrisy while at the same time showing how narrow our modern day pan Africanism is.  If one does not believe that  the west are hypocritical then one has to look at how many billions where spend on the Libyan invasion and the amount of dollars spend on relief efforts  in Somalia where millions are facing death from a severe draught . 

No reason to celebrate 
Well the pan Africanists should not celebrate when one speaks out l...

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MDC Youth Assembly Autonomy

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji on Sunday, September 25, 2011, In : Politics 
The Autonomy of the Youth Assembly


I have been fascinated by Julius Malema of late and honestly speaking who hasn’t, just how he has managed to capture the interest of the world both for the right and  the  wrong reasons. What has aroused my interest more than anything is the autonomy of the Youth League from the ANC structures, what it means, its advantages and the disadvantages how to manage such a relationship without causing chaos and friction in the party. There is certainly...

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The speech i never gave but got suspended instead.

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 
During my vacation in Harare actually on the 12 of the December 2006 at Rainbow Towers formerly known as the Sheraton hotel for those who are coversant with Harare. Having lunch with my family celebrating my mums`s 56th birthday. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Mr Kofi Annan.

This is what transpired comrades. Mr Annan came up to me and said how are you President Whitlaw Mugwiji and i responded i am fine how are you sir former secretary general Koffi Annan. Then he said Whitlaw Mugwiji ...

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Speech at GZU

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 
As student leaders we are told to refrain from politics or being political, we are supposed to be apolitical they say 

How can we afford to be apolitical when political decisions affect our every day life at these tertiary institutions , when political decisions are passed by unsympathetic , self aggrandizing politicians threatening our very existence from these tertiary institutions .

Comrades it was a political decision that said parastatals will not receive funding from the government.
It was...

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At Poly

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 
As the students we have been forced to pay for the government `s ma-la administration , to pay for its mismanagement of our national resources.I will remind the politicians , the once gallant sons and daughters of the soil that the educational crisis that was prevalent during the colonial era was one of the reasons why Zimbabweans of yester year went to the bush.

 We are certainly no lesser Zimbabweans than those who went to war to demand academic freedoms , liberties and justice, nor are we a...

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Speech at GZU

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 
  • Tuition fees have been increased from $16 000 to over a $100 000 that is an increase of over 700 percent 
  • Accomodation fees have been increased from $45 000 to over $120 000, an increase of about 300 percent.
  • Private muchova has increased from only $5 last semester to over $500 this semster, an increase of over 1 000 percent.  

To an economist these increases are justified because prices are simply responding to the price pull, the inflation magnet which is pulling them up, but we are no economi...
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Speech at Masvingo Poly

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 
Comrades today we armed with pens, pencils, rulers and books and we will fight one of our most historic battles ever to be recorded at this institution. As your commander in chief together with my co commanders that is the SRC leadership we will be the first ones to step onto the battle field and the last ones to leave the battle field.

We will march into the city and i don`t expect anyone to remain behind, our stance is clear and clear crystal for that matter, anyone who is not with us , is  ...

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Zinasu congress

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji on Sunday, June 5, 2011, In : My speeches 

As a students movement we have lost our cause, ideology and principle. The movement is now full of students who seek self gain but the bible tells us that to gain your life you have to lose it. So the same applies to us today, to obtain self gain in the long run we have to sacrifice ourselves in the short run through selfless acts. Truly one day history will judge us rightly.

We have spend the whole day having solidarity messages foregoing our core business as students movement. The biggest pr...

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Misplaced priorities

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji on Saturday, June 4, 2011, In : Politics 

I wrote this short article way back and never thought much about sharing it but it seems if we do not speak our minds to the leaders in government they will continue on this path that leads us into oblivion.

 So I made up my mind to voice my concerns about the misplaced priorities my government seems to display time and again. Two issues published by different media houses this sometime ago caught my attention and i couldn’t let them go just like that. The first issue being, a deal signed...

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Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, In : Gospel 
Mark 11:20-22
And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. 21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away. And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

The words that come out of our mouth are so powerful and many a times we are just like Peter we don’t realize how powerful there are, for Peter marvels that the tree cursed by the Master is withered. My brethren words ar...

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Socialism vs Capitalism Vis-a-vis Zimbabwe

Posted by Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa on Friday, October 30, 2009, In : Politics 

An economics professor at a local college made the statement that he had never failed a single student before but had once failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked, there would be no one poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test, th...

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Whitlaw Tanyanyiwa Mugwiji I am former student leader, the President of the SRC of Great Zimbabwe University 2006/2007. i am currently based in the Netherlands studying International Business Economics at Maastricht University after being expelled in 2007 for politically motivated reasons. I am a devoted christian who is politically conscious.
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